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The Q Policy is a structural warranty for new build, refurbished and converted properties which puts quality build and customer service first.

From shopping outlets, retail parks and drive-thru fast food restaurants, to supermarkets, hotels and office parks, at Q we understand that developers and investors must work with their building teams to provide quality properties of the highest standards to meet the many needs of their stakeholders.

By being on-site more than any other warranty provider,  we offer a highly risk-managed, quality focussed, flexible  insurance approach, designed to meet the needs of all types of commercial projects.

Key Features: The Q Policy for Commercial Premises

What does the Commercial Policy cover?

Our structural warranties aim to be easy to follow and provide certain insurance cover for the owners of the buildings for 10-12 years following completion of the build period. Each warranty is slightly different depending upon the underwriter of the policy, but typically they include cover for the following:

Structural Insurance Period

After the Defects Liability Period, when Damage is discovered by the Policyholder, the policy provides some insurance cover for the cost of rectifying damage caused by a defect (which is a fault, due to a breach of Q’s Technical Requirements or the Building Regulations) in a new home, which is not apparent when the property is finished but which comes to light later. 

NB: Items reported during the first two years of the policy which have not been satisfactorily remedied remain the Developer / Builder's liability. 

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View our other policies



For open market residential developers & builders selling New Homes to consumers



For affordable housing constructed by a Builder under contract to a Housing Association



For new homes owned/managed by commercial landlords which will be rented.



For new and converted homes which are being commissioned by private clients to live in and  are constructed by a Builder under contract.

To discuss your project, please don't hesitate to contact us:

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